Terrifying. |
The only thing I can really analogize this with is Performance Anxiety, in the sexual sense.
I have come to a point in my CEP at which I want to do some writing, some prose poetry, in a similar style to Calvino's in Invisible Cities, but I find myself unable to. I know I can, that it's possible for me to do so, that I have enough creative brain to produce ideas good enough to write, and skill with text enough to actually produce some, but I end up staring at something blank. Something I intend to fill with writing, but find myself unable to. A lack, in other words.
And it feels very much like not being able to be hard. I know what I want to do, I know what is wanted of me, I know it's the simplest thing in the world, and it should be nothing. But even though I know I can do it, I can't. The scene in the latest series of The Inbetweeners where Simon has this exact problem depicts the frustration perfectly (if you're willing to sit through two blocks of ads, you can view this scene by skipping to 21m45s on this video.)
I can't recall the quote, or the author (one of the French feminists, possibly Kristeva?), but the analogy with the famous ink/milk metaphor is obvious. The two states of mind are quite similar, for me, that of Performance Anxiety and "Writers' Block" (possibly better named "Writers' Flop' in this case).
I would take solutions from one and apply it to the other, but neither are solved problems for me. I have managed to stimulate my writing-phallus manually before, but it seems like the solution can never quite be remembered, like a dream, or the sensation of pain.
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